
Thanksgiving is, of course, the time of giving thanks to God for all the He has done for us in the past year.

I have so very much to be thankful for.  The month of November here at MCPC has been just a great time of God's leading.  We received 7 new members into the church fellowship.  New members always bring a sense of freshness to the church.  Our new members certainly supply a freshness into my life and ministry.

We also are celebrating what God is doing in the area of our individual giving and church giving.  We have nearly reached our goal for giving for the coming year, 2018.  Last Sunday, we collected our pledge forms and believed that we might see somewhere between 50 to 60% of the total giving needed for the coming year.  Instead, we have already reached 95% of our target goal for the church in giving for 2018.  To me that is amazing, and a great window into the hearts and minds of our congregation.  The pledge cards continue to come in to the church!  Our church is a giving church.  These pledged funds will enable our church to do wonderful things for our church, and for the community in the next year.

Our church building is now 30 years old, and we are beginning to see some maintainance that needs to be done.  Air conditioners and heater always need to be maintained and sometimes replaced.  This is not an easy repair, or cheap, by any stretch.  Your giving to the church in 2018 will assist us in keeping the church is good shape for the years to come.  The building will also be refreshed and some updating is being done.  Thanks to all who are helping with all of these tasks!

Ministries in the church can move forward, also, because of our giving.  Missions and outreach will be able to be expanded support for international ministries and local outreach as well.  We will be able to touch so many lives around the world with the gifts that are brought into the church.  To me, this is exciting.

There is a feeling of joy and enthusiasm in the building at both morning service on Sunday.  A wonderful atmosphere of excitement fills the air when we gather.  Music and laughter surround each one of us as we worship and sing together.  God is annointing His Word, as well.  I never cease to be touched by what God is doing among us.

For all of these wonderful things, I am truly grateful.  This thanksgiving season will be filled with thanks and praise to God for all that He is doing in the church, and in my life.

Praise be to God for His indescribable gifts to us!

Keep looking up and forward!

Pastor Ron

R Schermerhorn