
Well, here we are in the season of Christmas…again.

It seems like I say that often. As a church, and as a pastor, Christmas can be a busy and stressful time. Activities, parties, annual traditions…it all becomes a blur.

So, what is the antidote? How do we make it through the season without “making it through” the season? With HOPE, PEACE, JOY, and LOVE. The 4 weeks of Advent and their emphasis.

Hope is important to keep in mind. Hope means believing that every day is going to be better. Hope is helps us to put one foot in front of the other.

Peace is knowing you are in God’s hands. No matter what happens, God will hold you. His promise, not mine. Peace is the natural result of security. You are secure in God’s hands.

Joy is what keeps me motivated. I have joy in every circumstance. Sometimes, it is hard to see or feel…but I know it’s there. My joy is in knowing that God has a plan, and His plan is always right and good.

I have love to motivate me as well. To know that God ALWAYS loves us is a great comfort.

Let the truth of Advent inspire you to be a better person through the season of Christmas. Don’t be a Grinch because of the hub-bub. Stay close to the Lord. He will bring you hope, peace, joy, and love!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Pastor Ron

R Schermerhorn